Maia DeMers
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
Offering In-Person and Telehealth Therapy for Adults & Teens (15+)
I’m so glad you’re here. The fact that you’ve landed on this page tells me two things: You’re feeling stuck in an area of your life and you’re ready to do some healing.
Here’s the deal: I’m ready to help you. I am not someone who will sit back and nod their head politely to your words. I’m someone who gets in there with you. Whatever story you bring to me, I’ll be right beside you gently encouraging, nudging, and helping you forward. It is a great honor that I can share in this space with you.
What’s your story?
The Existentialist
Let’s set up the scene. Your somewhere in your 20’s and some truths have come to light. No longer beholden to your family, you suddenly realize that some of your patterns aren’t working anymore. You know you aren’t willing to settle for the status quo, but you have no idea where to even start.
Some questions that have likely popped up in your mind might be, “Was that normal in my family?” “What now?” “Who the hell am I?” “Is this where the world is heading?”. If this is you, I get you. One of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself is a space in which these questions can find their answers, or at the very least resolutions. I have always been in awe of individuals who courageously make changes to their lives, not because they have to, but because they must. You don’t have to do this alone.
The Survivor
I know what it’s like to be brought to your knees. When breathing hurts, and thinking is excruciating. You want help, but at the same time you’re terrified of it. The fear of being vulnerable is overpowering because some part of you is expecting to get hurt. Let me squash that fear right here, right now.
As a trauma survivor, I know you deep within my bones. I know what it feels like to question whether or not you’ll make it through the day. The hour. The minute. You want to work with someone who is going to be gentle and safe, challenge you in the right moments, and help you find the right coping skills to bring you back to life. You are a warrior. Your trauma does not define you.
The Fighter
We’re family. As a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, I get you because I am you. This is the place where you can talk about your sexuality, relationships, and life struggles, with someone who will not shame you or judge your experiences. I love being a part of my community and supporting those who have felt “othered” or marginalized. We’re in this together. Whether you’re needing support, coping tools, or space to process, my focus will always be on helping you get what you need.